Praga Północ

Warsaw Zoo
ul. Ratuszowa 1/3
+48 (0/22) 619 40 41
Admission: Adults zł 12, Children zł 6, Children under three years are free
Open daily from 9AM until 7PM

A relatively small zoo, but with some interesting species, including a pack of wild and rambunctious monkeys that seem to fascinate every visitor. Other Zoo residents include lemurs, giraffes, elephants, hyraxes the elephant's strange looking relatives that weigh only 2 - 5 kilograms compared to an elephant's weight of 3,000 - 6,000 kilograms, lions, tigers, zebras, and jaguars that live in a glass enclosure that allows you stand only centimeters away from the beasts. The Warsaw Zoo is a great place to spend time for adults or children.